Monthly Archives: August 2014

House Concerts

Hello, Friends.

I’m happy to announce, I will be booking a limited number of house concert in 2014. If you’re unfamiliar with what a house concert is, allow me to explain. 🙂 A house concert is an event you host in your home that is a donation-based concert for your friends and family, in which I perform my original songs. The audience is 20 or more adults. It will support of my upcoming album.

The concert is usually in the host’s living room or back yard. If you don’t have the right space in your home, it could also be at your church or club house.

This type of concert is a special event that is a personal experience with the artist that one doesn’t usually get. It offers me the opportunity to connect with old friends in a new way and make new fans in a special way.

If this sounds exciting to you, let’s talk further. I’m booking for 2015 now.

What can you expect? Have a listen:

