Tag Archives: weight

What do you want? 

A friend of mine recently said something cryptic about getting hooked by a distraction that always pulls him away.

He could have been referring to anything: love, success, happiness, peace, satisfaction…

This morning I was thinking about his words wondering what specifially he meant when it occurred to me the only distractions we have, are those we allow. 

If you aren’t sure what you want, everything is an option. Everything is a possibility. Everything is a distraction. 

If you know what you want, very specifically, it becomes your focus, very clearly.

For example, if I say, I will have my album finished by March 5, 2016 at 5 p.m., that’s pretty clear. If I add that it will include 10 songs and all package design, that’s really specific. 

It’s also a declaration. 

Now I know my primary focus for the next three months. So when a distraction presents itself, it will be quickly evaluated. Does it fit with my goals? Will it prevent me from attaining my goals? Will it help me attain my goals? By having a clear definition of my goal, I will have a laser sharp view of where I want to be. All the distractions become part of my periphery.

People often don’t do what they say they want to do because they tumble weed along, evaluating opportunities as they present themselves. This is a little like trying to decide what to eat for dinner when you’re hungry.  The way to create long term success is to plan for it. So…

What do you want? Write it down. Be specific. Let it be your recipe for success. 

Namaste, my friend. 



Under the roof

One of my first jobs in St. Louis was as a receptionist for a shady insurance company. There was a manager there who was an absolute jerk to everyone there. Rude, snarky, demeaning. I tried my best to avoid him. Then the office manager said she and her husband socialized with this man and his wife. She revealed that he was sweet and gentle when he was with his wife. I couldn’t believe it.

Over the years I’ve adopted his motto. If you’re going to be sweet and kind to anyone, it should be the ones that you live with.

After all, you live with them.

It only makes sense that you want everyone under the same roof to be happy together.

Namaste, my friends.



Not long ago, my friend Pablo asked me if I like to spend a lot of time alone. I remember being a bit surprised by the question. I suppose because I never consider that people are considering me.

I do spend a lot of time alone.

I answered yes. That I did.

I have an answer for why. I’m an outgoing introvert. I’m not shy. I can talk to anyone, really. It’s just that I take on the energy of people around me. I tend to need to “recharge” after being around people all day. When I’m lonely, I don’t stay there.

It seems like a dichotomy to perform or want to perform in front of others, yet needing to be away from people.

I think I do feel now and then I spend too much time alone. Then I make plans to be with my friends. I’m usually better for it.

Namaste, my friends.


How to do hope.

One way to have hope…
Fill your heart with love.
Keep it full.

How can you do that when
People are rude
And angry
And jealous
And greedy
And political…

It’s easy.

Just give love to everyone.
Without judgement.
Without expectation.

You get to decide how you give it.
Is it a kind jesture?
A smile?
A complement?
A hug?
A favor?
A hand?

You decide.

I’ll tell you what, a smile goes a long way…

The amazing thing about giving love is it fills you up.
It gives you more than hope. It gives you life.

Namaste, my friends.


Learning, growing, feeling

I have so many thoughts rolling through my head. I’m learning much about the brain. Really digging my professors. Feeling perplexed how I will get everything I want done. Feeling stronger than I have in a while.

When I turn to love, I am whole.

When life is busy, when it’s filled with new learning, new challenges, new growth, new emergences, new perspectives, sometimes is easy to get scared and want to run back to old patterns of coping. They don’t work.
They never have.

Two areas I need to work on immediately:
Getting the items in my home down to the bare necessities.
And finish losing my weight.

My projects that will be completed this year are my movie and my album, which is the sound track for the film.

I’m on my way.

I hope you’re on your way, too. 🙂

Namaste, my friends.


I am


I am.

I breathe.
I hear.
I feel.
I hurt.

I am.

I think.
I know.
I see.
I wait.

I am.

I love.
I need.
I want.
I grieve.

I am.

I’m strong.
I’m fragile.
I’m fearless.
I’m feared.

I am.

I’m a woman.
I’m a child.
I’m endless.
I’m free.

I am.

Me and my date for the night.

Exciting Saturday night. 🙂

I have a date with a text book.
Neurons and the development of psychology.

The last few days have been a practice in letting go.
Mourning the loss of a dream, the loss of a future
plan/hope/desire has been as difficult as the loss it’s self.

My goal is to stop the spiral before I get too deep.
To take care of myself by eating well and exercising.
To keep moving and getting my work done.

I need to stop looking for answers.
There just aren’t any.

Namaste, my friends.



Words are rolling through my head tonight.
Causing anguish. Causing suffering.
I can’t put them together for them to make sense.
Those damn words.
Used against me, twice.


Or the lack of it.

Used against me twice.

I’m so weary.

I have to let go. Feel the sadness. The anger. The loss.

I don’t know how to do it…

I need to learn…

Namaste, my friends.


Love is

Love is.

It ebbs and it flows.
It soars between hearts.
When we feel it’s presence
It pulls us to it.
When fear sets in
we repel from it.

Love fills us any way.
It does it’s dance
between heart and mind from soul to soul
between heart to heart.

And we know
That’s all there is.

Love is.

Namaste, my friends.


My struggle.

I notice when I am in emotional pain, I am very selfish. I can see nothing but my own pain. What’s more alarming is, I can’t see past it. When you’re in pain and you can’t see past it, you lose hope. It is the very definition of misery.

I’m grieving the loss of a dream. Not just any dream. The dream. The one I never knew I wanted. The one I was so sure, so positive was going to come to fruition. I suppose I’m in a state of shock. At least disbelief. On top of that, I realize I’ve been deferring the end of this dream for literally years now. I suppose it’s simply denial.

The other thing I’m struggling with is my spirituality. I’m not feeling love for anyone, especially myself.

I’m struggling with accepting that. I can’t see my future without my dream. All of projects don’t matter much. I grieve.

Namaste, my friends.
